#share7 Charity Spotlight: Rockinghorse

To kick off our charity spotlight section, where we will provide an overview of each charity we are supporting in our 2018 #share7 campaign, we are starting with our flagship charity, The Rockinghorse Children's Charity.
Every member of the Search Seven team has chosen a charity to support that is close to their hearts, with Rockinghorse, and in particular The Trevor Mann Baby Unit, being the charity that founder and managing director Gavin Willis chose from day one, to be the local charity that we support through our Ted's Trophy events and other fundraising efforts.
Gavin states "It’s no coincidence that Trevor Mann Baby Unit (TMBU), part of Rockinghorse, is our flagship charity for Search Seven. When I was a few months old, I had pneumonia and they nursed me back to health. Fast forward one year into the business, I was looking for a charity to support. Around that time, my godson Ted was born scoring zero on the Apgar Scale (an assessment of how a baby is doing at birth, which determines whether they are ready to meet the world without medical assistance.) Ted had some swelling on the brain so he spent some time in intensive care and five days on a cooling mat to keep his body temperature down to reduce swelling and further damage. We were told things didn’t look good.

There’s a happy ending to this story though, because through the support of the exceptional staff, and the ground-breaking equipment at TMBU, he pulled through.
The work all the staff put in to nurse sick babies back to health there is awe-inspiring and so that’s why we, along with the support of Claire and Dean, Ted’s parents, decided to choose TMBU as our key charity to support.
I am so proud of what Search Seven has achieved over the last six years, and we are all really excited about the #share7 campaign to celebrate our 7th birthday in style - and there's no better way than to do more for charity and help make a difference!"
We have three big charity events lined up this year, starting with a charity football match at the AMEX stadium on May 7th (7pm kick off), followed by a golf event on 30th August and a quiz night on 22nd November. More info can be found here, with sponsorship packages available for the AMEX game, as well as how to enquire about places for a golf and a quiz team!