Search Seven Wins Corporate Fundraiser of the Year at the BAHBAs 2018

At a fantastic community event hosted at the Hilton Brighton Metropole on Saturday July 15th 2018, Search Seven won the Brighton and Hove Business Award for Corporate Fundraiser.
The award recognises the work gone into hosting the S7 Ted’s Trophy event in May 2018 which raised just under £8,000. This event, along with the upcoming golf day and pub quiz, are part of the #share7 charity initiative which is aiming to raise £17,000 for local and national charities.
On the win, Gavin Willis, Managing Director, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to have won such a coveted award. It is great to see that the work that the team, our partners, and friends of the business have put into making #share7 such a success has been recognised. Most importantly, this will hopefully raise the profile of the charitable work we do as a business which will ultimately help all our chosen charities (Rockinghorse’s Trevor Mann Baby Unit, Group B Strep Support, Alzheimer’s Society, RISE, The Sussex Beacon, The Clock Tower Sanctuary and the Nkuringo Foundation) even more.”
Search Seven would like to say a special thank you to Rockinghorse who sponsored the award, as well as Brighton and Hove Business Awards for putting on such a great event. If you would like to get involved with our final two events of #share7, please email You can also donate towards #share7 on our Just Giving page. For anything else, please email