Search Seven Charity Quiz Night 2019
Another year, another quiz night and another pot of money raised for our flagship charity, Rockinghorse. A huge thank you to Clearline Recruitment for sponsoring the night (and supplying plenty of balloons…!), Sam Thomas for being our fantastic quiz master - you can find out more about all of Sam’s ventures by visiting Sussex Business Group, Firmballs and Dasaki - all of our ‘spirited’ (competitive) and generous quiz teams, Grand Central for letting us take over their function room, Eagle & Beagle for filming the night and everyone who volunteered to be interviewed (and for saying such lovely things about us). Our target was to raise £1,500 through sponsorship, quiz entry and raffle tickets - by the end of the night we raised an amazing £1,800! Thanks to everyone for helping us donate so much to our flagship charity, Rockinghorse.

The raffle Thank you to all of the companies that donated vouchers, hampers and prizes to our raffle - we raised a fantastic £700 through the tickets sold on the night (and money raised through the Heads & Tails game at the start of the night), and our 13 lucky winners looked very pleased with their winnings.

The winners Congratulations to The Googlers who took home six bottles of Prosecco! They stole the show with 73 points, with no need for any Googling, and played their Joker round cunningly on the music round, earning them a whopping 40 points. 2nd place went to We Thought This Was Speed Dating from Clearline Recruitment and 3rd place went to The Possiblists from Anything is Possible.

Join our mailing list to find out when our next fundraising event is, including next year’s charity quiz night.