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Search Seven Take Part In RISE's Heroes Run

On Sunday 19th May 2019, Search Seven were proud to take part in RISE’s Heroes Run. RISE is a Sussex-based charity that supports people affected by domestic abuse and violence. We dusted off our superhero costumes to join the race on the Brighton and Hove Seafront, setting off from bright and early from Hove Lawns.

The rain did not deter the caped crusaders and there was a brilliant turnout for a fantastic morning of superhero-themed fun. We were also very pleased to have been able to introduce a new fundraising initiative to RISE in the form of corporate sponsorship of the kilometre markers on the course. Companies were able to sponsor a marker with their very own company branded superhero above their logo!

Search Seven sponsored markers 2 & 7 and MD Gavin and People Manager Sara took part in the event, along with members of their families. Speaking about the #superheroesRISEup initiative, Nicola Davies from RISE said: “the way you've supported us has been more unique and innovative than any other business has ever done”.

The event was a fantastic success and the final figure that was raised was £25,300. With the banner initiative contributing £2,500 to this amount.  Thank you to everyone that was involved - to those who sponsored us, to the other corporate sponsors and those who came along to support us on the day! For more information on the work we do with charities, get in contact with us today.