Amy's Chosen Charity
Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2022, AMMF - The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity is the UK’s only cholangiocarcinoma charity dedicated to raising awareness, supporting research, and providing vital information about the rare form of bile duct cancer.

Why did I choose this charity and what does its mission mean to me?
Cholangiocarcinoma is the second most common primary liver cancer worldwide. It starts in the inside lining of the ducts of the biliary tree and often develops sporadically. It's difficult to diagnose early due to the “vague” symptoms it causes, with experimental treatments available, and surgery the only cure.

My Nanna, Patricia Mavis Box, was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma when it was in its late stages, and sadly passed away in October 2016 after a year and a half battle with the disease.
I am supporting AMMF - The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity in her honour.
As a smaller cancer-based charity, I believe AMMF would benefit more from the fundraising, and it will feel so rewarding to support a cause so specific, that has affected me personally.
Why do I think everyone should support this charity?
The number of people affected by cholangiocarcinoma is increasing year after year, having a devastating life-long effect on families. I wish I had found AMMF sooner, and a lot of people still don't know they exist.
AMMF works nationally and across Europe, expanding globally, with the aim to support those, like myself, who have experienced the disease first-hand, by providing patient support or helping those who want to educate themselves about the possible causes and symptoms of cholangiocarcinoma.
During my time at Search Seven, I am planning to take part in individual and team challenges to help raise money, and awareness for my chosen charity as part of the #S7100 Charity Campaign.
So far, I have completed a '100 Miles in August' charity challenge, where I managed to raise £620 total for AMMF (£370 from direct donations + £250 match-funding from Search Seven).

Raising awareness for AMMF at a car boot sale, with all money made going towards my ‘100 Miles in August’ challenge as part of the #S7100 Charity Campaign.