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Why Getting PPC Training Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution For You And Your Business

We may already be a few weeks into 2019, but there is still time to think about a new year’s resolution for your PPC campaigns. If you’re feeling uninspired by your account, some training may be exactly what is needed to bring some life back into them. In this article, there are five great reasons as to why training will help you and your business.

  1. Upskill yourselfNot only is training going to help you with analysing, understanding, and going into your PPC account, it also is a great way to add another string to your bow. PPC interacts with other marketing channels a lot, and the learnings from those lend themselves to a great campaign strategy. It is likely that the business you currently work for uses PPC to some extent, and marketing specialists often go from pillar to post to keep all marketing channels working harmoniously. A good understanding of PPC will ease the stress of this and increase the value of your role at work.
  2. Upskill your businessIf your current business doesn’t have someone, either in-house or an agency, monitoring the PPC account, it is likely that the account is not performing to its full potential. Even when someone is monitoring it, it is often not their sole duty (see above.) By having a handle on the account, your business will benefit in two ways. Firstly, the goals and KPIs of your business are more likely to be achieved. Secondly, that greater understanding will help with all your marketing, as you will learn what messaging is resonating with certain audiences, what sections of the site are working well or need improvement and so much more.
  3. Save moneyWhen an account goes unmanaged, it’s possible that ads are spending away without much regard for strategy or who they are reaching too. Even when a set budget is made per month, this money isn’t being utilised to its full potential. With training, and understanding how money is spent through PPC, you can align your business goals with your campaigns to see an improved ROI. This will then give you the confidence to use the latest features on offer.
  4. Keep up with your competitorsAll industries have multiple businesses competing for that same customer. Gaining an upper hand can become difficult in a crowded space. This is where an understanding of the intricacies of PPC and knowing exactly what you want to achieve out of your campaign can make you stand out. By testing a different message, a different bid strategy, even just a different landing page, the ability and confidence to manage and optimise your account can see improvements in performance.
  5. Stay on top with the latest trendsPPC is a constantly evolving industry. Google, in particular, is well known for moving the goalposts around and keeping up is an ongoing task. Receiving training from experts will keep you informed of the latest goings on in PPC, how to respond to these changes, and, most importantly, what you can do to your account to maximise any change. If you are interested in receiving PPC Training from our Paid Media Director at Search Seven, get in contact with us today! We offer both theory and practical courses as well as being able to design bespoke training to meet your specific needs.